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Am I a Club Manager or a Juggler in a Circus?

Dr Edward De Bono, famous for his concepts and theories on critical and lateral thinking, once said

The main difficulty of thinking is confusion, where we try to do too much at once. Emotions, information, logic, hope and creativity all crowd in on us. It’s like juggling too many balls

This is tied into his "Six Thinking Hats", a technique that helps break down decision making and look for solutions from different perspectives. The technique has applications for both individual and group, evaluation and analysis. It also reminds club managers that they need to call on an array of leadership and management styles to suit the dynamic situations they face in their environment. They need to wear different hats to juggle the competing demands on their time and attention!

At the upcoming Club Managers Webinar ( we will be looking at Leadership Styles and contemplating the assertion that one size doesn't fit all.

Different contexts, situations and environments can call for different leadership styles. Good club managers know the different approaches they can use and adapt their styles to suit. Leading a team in the most effective ways can be intricate and developing a range of methods is needed to maximise motivation and productivity, whilst minimising conflict and disharmony.

Add to this, the requirement for you to hold a variety of competencies. As a club manager, your responsibilities are wide in scope, you have increased authority and people management becomes more exacting. As a consequence, your approach will have to change or the mix of competencies will have to be altered to adjust to the requirements of the job. Consider this categorisation of competencies that you have to cover:

Administrative Competencies:

  • Management of Time and Priority Setting.

  • Goals and Objectives Setting.

  • Work Planning and Scheduling.

Communication Competencies:

  • Listening and Organising.

  • Clarity of Communication.

  • Getting Objective Information.

Team Building or Supervisory Competencies:

  • Training, Mentoring and Delegating.

  • Evaluating Employees and Performance.

  • Advising and Disciplining.

And, Cognitive Competencies:

  • Problem Identification and Solution Provision.

  • Assessing Risks and Decision-Making.

  • Thinking Clearly and Analytically.

So, given the different contexts & personality types you will face, your intrinsic style and the range of things you need to address, the ability to adjust your approach and processes is a key element to strong, positive club management.

If you'd like to join us for the Club Managers Webinar - Leadership Styles, where we will be discussing this and other areas, including the manager's mindset and cognitive preferences, click on to register.


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