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So, you want to be a cash flow coach

Updated: Oct 16, 2019

The Premise of Coaching

A cash flow coach’s objective is to help clients develop and improve their life skills in the area of astute financial maintenance and monetary awareness. It is a continual process based on providing guidance, support and objective feedback, with the emphasis on monitoring an individual’s overall progress. Coaching is most effective in response to a clearly defined objective, or when there is a need for a more holistic personal development, as opposed to the learning of tasks and skills. A cash flow coach helps the individual to achieve short and long-term goals and provide opportunities to empower them to realise their potential.

This power is predicated on a number of humanistic needs and associated approaches.

Everyone can be developed by coaching

The more willing and open a client is to being coached, the easier the start of the journey is. However, research has shown that even those who are initially reluctant or guarded can move to a realm where they feel safe to explore their situation, dreams and doubts. Fundamentally, everyone has an inner drive to succeed that can be fuelled by coaching.

It’s a shared responsibility

Personal development is the responsibility of the coach and the client. Both the coach and client share the responsibility for making a coaching session as useful as possible, and for the moving forward with the right actions.

Challenges strengthen abilities

Everyone has room for improvement. However without challenge and change, people get stuck in the comfort zone and don’t change their situation or improve their life position.

If something that you’re doing doesn’t challenge you, then it doesn’t change you.”


It’s real-life learning

The role of the coach is to be a catalyst – to ask questions and make observations from an independent and objective perspective to help clients find clarity, find their own answers, make their own decisions all based on their unique personal situation and objectives. It’s real-life because it sits squarely in the client’s ‘map of the world’.

It’s continuous improvement

A cash flow coach realises that they can't make client’s do anything. They fully understand that continuous improvement is a journey that each client must decide to take on their own. But a coach can encourage people to take the first step in the right direction, help guide them for a while and be a sounding board as the client moves forward.

Behavioural Change

Behavioural change is the critical component of cash flow coaching and underlying many coaching sessions is the need to develop or improve client’s behavioural patterns. The coaching process usually involves assisting individuals to strategically develop adaptive behaviours and to monitor these changes over time.


To achieve their own cash flow goals, clients need to have personal clarity, take ownership and put in the effort. However, it is not something they need to do on their own. Coaching is a powerful tool to enable change and growth by positioning clients to take control of their own destiny.


One of the ultimate goals for a cash flow coach is for the client to achieve self-confidence. When clients have trust in their own abilities and judgement they have heightened awareness and the ability to engage successfully in their world. A self-confident client will be ready for new challenges, will seize opportunities and be able to deal with difficult situations.

elevateB provides the training program as well as support and ongoing development for certified cash flow coaches. Individuals who choose to work with a certified cash flow coach are better placed to achieve financial independence and security. If you would like to make a difference and help everyday Australians be more financially prudent and savvy, consider becoming a cash flow coach today. Click here.


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